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Past Webinars

A Rainbow of the Mind: Utilizing Hope Theory to Foster Academic Resilience

February 18, 2025

1:00 - 2:00 PM (Eastern)

ARC Explores: Assessing Resilience in Action. Types, Measures, and Best Practices

November 14, 2023

12:00-1:00 PM (Eastern) 

Join us for this interactive workshop, facilitated by Rachel Pauletti, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Scholar in Residence at Lynn University.




ARC Explores: Building Bridges for Success: Resilience in Higher Education for Students with Disabilities.

October 31, 2023

12:00-1:00 PM (Eastern) 


Join us for this interactive workshop, facilitated by Jennifer Wilson, M.S. Ed.
Director, Student Disability Services at Nova University.


ARC Explores: Developing a Resilient Identity as a University Professor

May 3, 2023

12:00-1:15 PM (Eastern) 

Join us for this interactive workshop, facilitated by Patrick Cooper, PhD, Associate Professor at Lynn University.

From teaching, to mentoring, to attending faculty development meetings, faculty members face unique challenges in their day-to-day lives. The purpose of this session is to provide concrete advice for maintaining a healthy work-life balance by developing a resilient identity.


ARC Explores: Leveraging Connection to Prevent Staff and Faculty Burnout

November 17, 2022

12:00-1:15 PM (Eastern) 


Join us for this interactive workshop, facilitated by Jessica Gifford, LICSW, Chief Connection Officer at ProjectConnect.

This session will outline the factors that contribute to burnout and turnover and explore building employee connection to increase resilience.

Research shows that liking and feeling connected to co-workers is the number one reason people choose to stay at their jobs and the top predictor of job satisfaction, yet most campuses do little to facilitate relationship-building among staff and faculty. Participants will learn strategies for promoting connection, and practice three exercises that they can bring back to their campuses.

ARC Explores: Neurodiversity and Resilience

August 10, 2022

Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM (Eastern)

Join us on August 10th for this session led by Lyndi Bradley, MSW, Program Manager for the Institute for Family Violence Studies at Florida State University's College of Social Work. This webinar will cover an introduction to neurodiversity and will highlight discoveries made regarding atypical brain functions. More students than ever have been identified as neurodiverse; this includes autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and dyslexia, among other diagnoses.

Neurodiverse students have many strengths to contribute to higher education. They also face considerable challenges, increasing the necessity for resilient thinking and efforts on campus. This session will explore the implications for higher education professionals and the steps they can take to help build academic resilience in their students


ARC Explores: Helping Students Thrive through Academic Recovery Courses  

June 7, 2022

1:00 - 2:00 pm (Eastern)

Join us in this session led by Ashley Gragido, Associate Director of Student Success & Academic Resiliency at California State University San Marcos. Learn about theories that can inform the structure of student success courses on the topics of academic recovery, resiliency, and personal development. Leave with ideas about how to create your own courses, including course themes, sample assignments, and next steps to build collaborative partnerships on your campus.



ARC Explores: COVID-19 and Mental Health in Higher Education  

March 30, 2022

12:00 - 1:00 pm (Eastern)

Join us for an interactive session on COVID-19 and Mental Health in Higher Education, led by Dr. Sara Gorman, Ethan Fields, and Erlinda Delacruz from The Jed Foundation (JED). Many college students are experiencing worsened mental health and emotional well-being due to the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. This session will explore these challenges and address how to introduce effective programs on college campuses to bolster resilience among struggling students.


ARC Explores: Addressing Student Loneliness 

October 20, 2021

11:00 - 12:00 pm (Eastern)

Join Jessica Gifford, LICSW and founder of ProjectConnect, in a discussion about Addressing Student Loneliness. Student loneliness was a problem before the pandemic, and this last year has created an even greater connection deficit. This presentation and round-table conversation will discuss how to help students make the social transition back to campus, establish connections, and build community.


ARC Explores: Rejection, Failure, and Resilience

September 29, 2021

12:00 - 1:00 pm (Eastern)

Join Dr. Jessica Bacal, Director of Reflective and Integrative Practices at Smith College, Dr. Carrie Landa, Director, Behavioral Medicine and Associate Director, Clinical Services at Boston University, and Dr. Julie Lee, Associate Dean of the College for Academic Support and Transfer at Brown University, as they discuss Rejection, Failure, and Resilience. Learn more about tools and resources available to help students respond with resilience in the face of failure. This session will be interactive and provide space to collaborate with colleagues to discuss tactics to normalize and reframe rejection.


ARC Explores: Fostering Resilience for LGBTQ+ Students

June 24, 2021

12:00 - 1:00 pm (Eastern)

In this session, Susan Marine, Ph.D., Professor of Higher Education at Merrimack College, and Katy Collins, M.S., Director of Student Outreach & Engagement at Boston University, discussed the role of affinity spaces in fostering resilience for LGBTQ+ students. Learn more about the opportunities and challenges of defining and running these spaces and connect with colleagues to share best practices in supporting LGBTQ+ student success.


ARC Explores: Resilience Programs in the Face of Racism

May 25, 2021

1:00 - 2:00 pm (Eastern)

In this session, Amber Douglas, Ph.D., faculty at Mt. Holyoke College, and Vice-Chair of ARC, talked with Karen Oehme, J.D., Chair of the ARC Steering Committee about Resilience in the Face of Racism. They discussed the recommendations of the National Academies of Science and what institutions of higher education need to know about the impact of systemic racism on BIPOC students. You might be surprised to learn about the counterpart to micro-aggressions, micro-interventions. Spend some time thinking about the unique needs of your BIPOC students and ways to help build their resilience for college and the future. Share with us your innovative ideas.


ARC Explores: Resilience Programs in the Context of COVID-19

April 30, 2021

12:00 - 1:00 pm (Eastern)

Dr. Tayyab Rashid and colleagues present key considerations from designing, delivering, and evaluating resilience programs in the wake of COVID-19. With the help of illustrations, they discuss the significance of considerations such as having diverse conceptualization of resilience, informed by cultural context, assessing acuity of stressors and buffering the impact of strengths, and operationalizing resilience into measurable, teachable, and outcome-based skills. The session engages participants in a conversation about how these considerations fit into the critical paradigm shift from deficit- to strengths-based programming in higher education.


ARC Explores: Open Discussion

November 20, 2020

12:00 - 1:00 pm (Eastern)

Join us for an open “fishbowl”-style discussion among our panelists, exploring the topic of resilience in the face of ongoing adversity.  Hosted by Adina Glickman, Co-Director of the Academic Resilience Consortium.


ARC Explores: Turning Adversity into Advantage

December 3, 2020

9:00 - 10:00 pm (Eastern)

Many of today’s college students -- and college institutions -- face daunting adversities. Join Dr. Laura Huang, Associate Professor at the Harvard Business School and author of Edge: Turning Adversity Into Advantage (Portfolio, 2020), for a discussion of adversity, advantage, and resilience in higher education.  Hosted by Dr. Jessica Bacal of Smith College, author of Mistakes I Made at Work (Plume, 2015).


ARC Explores: Moving Up Without Losing Your Way - The Ethical Costs of Upward Mobility

December 10, 2020

12:00 - 1:00 pm (Eastern)

First Generation college students make trade-offs that Jennifer Morton has called "ethical sacrifices," which can compromise their ability to stay resilient.  Join Dr. Morton, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and author of Moving Up Without Losing Your Way: The Ethical Costs of Upward Mobility (Princeton University Press 2019), for a discussion of how colleges can mitigate the ethical costs of higher education, and better support the resilience of first-generation students.  Hosted by Dr. Jessica Bacal of Smith College, Director of The Narratives Project.


ARC Explores: Resilience and the Corona Pandemic - Online Gatherings

May 7, 2020

8:00 - 9:30 am (Pacific)

Gathering III: "Good Ideas" - Panel and Discussion


April 30, 2020

11:30 - 1:00 pm (Pacific)

Gathering II: Managing Conflicting Expectations


April 14, 2020

8:00 - 9:30 pm (Pacific)

Gathering I: Coming Together to Support Resilience

Thank you to our sponsors!


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